Getting started
For a direct intro on running FlexMeasures, go to Installation & First steps. However, FlexMeasures is useful from different perspectives. Below, we added helpful pointers to start reading.
For organizations
We make FlexMeasures, so that your software developers are as productive with energy optimization as possible. Because we are developers ourselves, we know that it takes a couple smaller steps to engage with new technology.
Your journey, from dipping your toes in the water towards being a productive energy optimization company, could look like this:
Quickstart ― Find an optimized schedule for your flexible asset, like a battery, with standard FlexMeasures tooling. This is basically what we show in Toy example I: Scheduling a battery, from scratch. All you need are 10 minutes and a CSV file with prices to optimize against.
Automate ― get the prices from an open API, for instance ENTSO-E (using a plugin like flexmeasures-entsoe), and run the scheduler regularly in a cron job.
Integrate ― Load the schedules via FlexMeasures’ API, so you can directly control your assets and/or show them within your own frontend.
Customize ― Load other data (e.g. your solar production or weather forecasts via flexmeasures-openweathermap). Adapt the algorithms, e.g. do your own forecasting or tweak the standard scheduling algorithm so it optimizes what you care about. Or write a plugin for accessing a new kind of market. The opportunities are endless!
For Individuals
Using FlexMeasures
You are connecting to a running FlexMeasures server, e.g. for sending data, getting schedules or administrate users and assets.
First, you’ll need an account from the party running the server. Also, you probably want to:
Look at the UI, e.g. pages for Dashboard and Administration.
Read the API Introduction.
Learn how to interact with the API in Posting data.
Hosting FlexMeasures
You want to run your own FlexMeasures instance, to offer services or for trying it out. You’ll want to:
Have a first playful scheduling session, following Toy example I: Scheduling a battery, from scratch.
Get real with the tutorial on Installation & First steps.
Discover the power of CLI Commands.
Understand how to How to deploy FlexMeasures.
Plugin developers
You want to extend the functionality of FlexMeasures, e.g. a custom integration or a custom algorithm:
Read the docs on Writing Plugins.
See how some existing plugins are made flexmeasures-entsoe or flexmeasures-openweathermap
Of course, some of the developers resources (see below) might be helpful to you, as well.
Core developers
You want to help develop FlexMeasures, e.g. to fix a bug. We provide a getting-started guide to becoming a developer at Developing for FlexMeasures.