Running via Docker

FlexMeasures can be run via its docker image.

Docker is great to save developers from installation trouble, but also for running FlexMeasures inside modern cloud environments in a scalable manner.


We also support running all needed parts of a FlexMeasures web service setup via docker-compose, which is helpful for developers and might inform hosting efforts. See Running a complete stack with docker-compose.

Getting the flexmeasures image

You can use versions we host at Docker Hub, e.g.:

$ docker pull lfenergy/flexmeasures:latest

You can also build the FlexMeasures image yourself, from source:

$ docker build -t flexmeasures/my-version .

The tag is your choice.


Running the image (as a container) might work like this (remember to get the image first, see above):

$ docker run --env SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname --env SECRET_KEY=blabla --env FLEXMEASURES_ENV=development -p 5000:5000 -d --net=host lfenergy/flexmeasures


Don’t know what your image is called (its “tag”)? We used lfenergy/flexmeasures here, as that should be the name when pulling it from Docker Hub. You can run docker images to see which images you have.


For newer versions of macOS, port 5000 is in use by default by Control Center. You can turn this off by going to System Preferences > Sharing and untick the “Airplay Receiver” box. If you don’t want to do this for some reason, you can change the host port in the docker run command to some other port. For example, to set it to port 5001, change -p 5000:5000 in the command to -p 5001:5000. If you do this, remember that you will have to go to http://localhost:5001 in your browser when you want to inspect the FlexMeasures UI.

The two minimal environment variables to run the container successfully are SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI and the SECRET_KEY, see Configuration. FLEXMEASURES_ENV=development is needed if you do not have an SSL certificate set up (the default mode is production, and in that mode FlexMeasures requires https for security reasons). If you see too much output, you can also set LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO.

In this example, we connect to a postgres database running on our local computer, so we use the host network. In the docker-compose section below, we use a Docker container for the database, as well.

Browsing http://localhost:5000 should work now and ask you to log in. Of course, you might not have created a user. You can use docker exec -it <flexmeasures-container-name> bash to go inside the container and use the CLI Commands to create everything you need.

Configuration and customization

Using Configuration by file is usually what you want to do. It’s easier than adding environment variables to docker run. Also, not all settings can be given via environment variables. A good example is the MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN, so you can load maps on the dashboard.

To load a configuration file into the container when starting up, we make use of the instance folder. You can put a configuration file called flexmeasures.cfg into a local folder called flexmeasures-instance and then mount that folder into the container, like this:

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/flexmeasures-instance:/app/instance:ro -d --net=host lfenergy/flexmeasures


The location of the instance folder depends on how we serve FlexMeasures. The above works with gunicorn. See the compose file for an alternative (for the FlexMeasures CLI), and you can also read the above link about the instance folder.

Installing plugins within the container

At this point, the FlexMeasures container is up and running without including any plugins you might need to use. To integrate a plugin into the container, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the plugin into your active FlexMeasures container by executing the following command:

docker cp </path/to/plugin-directory> <flexmeasures-container-name>:/app
  1. Once the plugin is successfully copied proceed to install it, for instance using pip docker exec -it <flexmeasures-container-name> bash -c "pip install <path/to-package>". Instead, you just need to install the requirements, then run this command docker exec -it <flexmeasures-container-name> bash -c "pip install -r <path/to-package/requirements.txt.

  2. After completing the installation, create a directory named instance in the container working directory and transfer the FlexMeasures configuration file, flexmeasures.cfg, into it using the docker cp command. Additionally, ensure that you incorporate your plugin details into the flexmeasures.cfg file as outlined in the FLEXMEASURES_PLUGINS section.

  3. Once these steps are finished, halt the container using the docker stop <flexmeasures-container-name> command, followed by restarting it using docker start <flexmeasures-container-name>. This ensures that the changes take effect. Now, you can make use of the installed plugins within the FlexMeasures Docker container.