Benefits of the FlexMeasures Platform


FlexMeasures provides decision-making support so that the platform operator can schedule flexibility actions. It forecasts the state of assets and proposes the best flexibility actions (shifting or curtailment) for future periods that need actions. This is done with modern forecasting and scheduling intelligence.


Both platform operator and asset owners can monitor the assets - past and current states as well as forecasts are displayed numerically in plots and tables. Flexibility actions ordered in the past can be reviewed. Proposed and scheduled flexibility actions show their expected effects (on imbalance as well as on financial returns).


The companies connected to FlexMeasures only give up as much control as necessary. The asset owners still control the main behaviour of their assets. The owners allow the platform operator to schedule flexibility actions within limits they can set.

Also the platform operator stays in charge: They can choose to approve all proposed flexibility actions manually or to let FlexMeasures automatically schedule them. As FlexMeasures is open source, they can choose to host it themselves or let a third party (like Seita BV) do that.

Profit sharing

The platform operator and asset owners share the profit made from flexibility actions between them. FlexMeasures provides basic accounting.