
Utilities for views


flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.accountname(account_id) str
flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.asset_icon_name(asset_type_name: str) str

Icon name for this asset type.

This can be used for UI html templates made with Jinja. ui.__init__ makes this function available as the filter “asset_icon”.

For example:

<i class={{ asset_type.name | asset_icon }}></i>

becomes (for a battery):

<i class=”icon-battery”></i>

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.ensure_timing_vars_are_set(time_window: tuple[datetime | None, datetime | None], resolution: str | None) tuple[tuple[datetime, datetime], str]

Ensure that time window and resolution variables are set, even if we don’t have them available ― in that case, get them from the session.

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.get_git_description() tuple[str, int, str]

Get information about the SCM (git) state if possible (if a .git directory exists).

Returns the latest git version (tag) as a string, the number of commits since then as an int and the current commit hash as string.

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.render_flexmeasures_template(html_filename: str, **variables)

Render template and add all expected template variables, plus the ones given as **variables.


Set session[“showing_individual_traces_for”] to a value (“none”, “power”, “schedules”).

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.set_session_market(resource: Resource) Market

Set session[“market”] to something, based on the available markets or the request. Returns the selected market, or None.

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.set_session_resource(assets: list[Asset], groups_with_assets: list[str]) Resource | None

Set session[“resource”] to something, based on the available asset groups or the request.

Returns the selected resource instance, or None.

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.set_session_sensor_type(accepted_sensor_types: list[flexmeasures.data.models.weather.WeatherSensorType]) WeatherSensorType

Set session[“sensor_type”] to something, based on the available sensor types or the request. Returns the selected sensor type, or None.


Set period on session if they are not yet set. The daterangepicker sends times as tz-aware UTC strings. We re-interpret them as being in the server’s timezone. Also set the forecast horizon, if given.

TODO: event_[stars|ends]_before are used on the new asset and sensor pages.

We simply store the UTC strings. It might be that the other settings & logic can be deprecated when we clean house. Tip: grep for timerangeEnd, where end_time is used in our base template,

and then used in the daterangepicker. We seem to use litepicker now.

flexmeasures.ui.utils.view_utils.username(user_id) str