

flexmeasures.api.dev.sensors.get_sensor_or_abort(id: int) Sensor

Util function to help the GET requests. Will be obsolete..


class flexmeasures.api.dev.sensors.AssetAPI

This view exposes asset attributes through API endpoints under development. These endpoints are not yet part of our official API, but support the FlexMeasures UI.

get(id: int, asset: GenericAsset)

GET from /asset/<id>

class flexmeasures.api.dev.sensors.SensorAPI

This view exposes sensor attributes through API endpoints under development. These endpoints are not yet part of our official API, but support the FlexMeasures UI.

get(id: int, sensor: Sensor)

GET from /sensor/<id>

get_chart(id: int, sensor: Sensor, **kwargs)

GET from /sensor/<id>/chart

Optional fields

get_chart_annotations(id: int, sensor: Sensor, **kwargs)

GET from /sensor/<id>/chart_annotations

Annotations for use in charts (in case you have the chart specs already).

get_chart_data(id: int, sensor: Sensor, **kwargs)

GET from /sensor/<id>/chart_data

Data for use in charts (in case you have the chart specs already).

Optional fields