

class flexmeasures.data.schemas.scheduling.process.OptimizationDirection(value)

An enumeration.

class flexmeasures.data.schemas.scheduling.process.ProcessSchedulerFlexModelSchema(sensor: Sensor, start: datetime, end: datetime, *args, **kwargs)
__init__(sensor: Sensor, start: datetime, end: datetime, *args, **kwargs)

Pass start and end to convert time_restrictions into a time series and sensor as a fallback mechanism for the process_type

get_mask_from_events(events: list[dict[str, str]] | None) pd.Series

Convert events to a mask of the time periods that are valid


events – list of events defined as dictionaries with a start and duration


mask of the allowed time periods

post_load_time_restrictions(data: dict, **kwargs) dict

Convert events (list of [start, duration] pairs) into a mask (pandas Series)

pre_load_process_type(data: dict, **kwargs) dict

Fallback mechanism for the process_type variable. If not found in data, it tries to find it in among the sensor or asset attributes and, if it’s not found there either, it defaults to “INFLEXIBLE”.

class flexmeasures.data.schemas.scheduling.process.ProcessType(value)

An enumeration.