Why FlexMeasures adds value for software developers

FlexMeasures is designed to help with three basic needs of developers in the energy flexibility domain:

I need help with integrating real-time data and continuously computing new data

FlexMeasures is designed to make decisions based on data in an automated way. Data pipelining and dedicated machine learning tooling is crucial.

  • API/CLI functionality to read in time series data

  • Extensions for integrating 3rd party data, e.g. from ENTSO-E or OpenWeatherMap

  • Forecasting for the upcoming hours

  • Schedule optimization for flexible assets

  • Reporters to combine time series data and create KPIs

It’s hard to correctly model data with different sources, resolutions, horizons and even uncertainties

Much developer time is spent correcting data and treating it correctly, so that you know you are computing on the right knowledge.

FlexMeasures is built on the timely-beliefs framework, so we model this real-world aspect accurately:

  • Expected data properties are explicit (e.g. unit, time resolution)

  • Incoming data is converted to fitting unit and time resolution automatically

  • FlexMeasures also stores who thought that something happened (or that it will happen), and when they thought so

  • Uncertainty can be modelled (useful for forecasting)

I want to build new features quickly, not spend days solving basic problems

Building customer-facing apps & services is where developers make impact. We make their work easy.

  • FlexMeasures has well-documented API endpoints and CLI commands to interact with its model and data

  • You can extend it easily with your own logic by writing plugins

  • A backend UI shows you your assets in maps and your data in plots. There is also support for plots to be available per API, for integration in your own frontend

  • Multi-tenancy ― model multiple accounts on one server. Data is only seen/editable by authorized users in the right account

For more on FlexMeasures, head right over to Getting started.